Thursday, August 22, 2013

Another chapter of this crazy thing we call life..:)

Wow! Its crazy what kind of twists and turns life throws at you. God works in mysterious ways that is for sure! haha:).... Sometimes I wonder what God has in store for me, what his bigger in plan consists of for me. All i know is that If i don't listen to the promptings I wont be able to partake of the blessings he has in store, and heaven knows i need all the blessings i can get! haha well I am going to give you a tour around in my head, clue you in what has been going on in my mind and life since November 2012 up until now...  lets start with October conference. Now if you were to ask any LDS member what was so historic about October conference 2012, they would automatically say that it was the conference where Pres. Monson announced the age change in missionaries! Instead of boys leaving at 19 they could now leave at age 18 and for girls instead of waiting until 21 they could leave at 19! Don't get me wrong I thought it was awesome, but i had never, EVER, thought of serving a mission, so of course i just pushed it aside. November rolled around and something, historic, mind blowing,..... earth shattering happened. I had been getting all signed up to attend school, and for some reason nothing seemed to be working out the way i wanted.. so i remember sitting there, one day, in the temple wondering where i was going in life what MY purpose was here on earth... then God slipped one word in to my head: MISSION. Wait, a mission??? me??! no, God you must be mistaken! A mission is definitely not for me.... or so i thought haha. As the month went by, i continued to have incredible vivid dreams about serving a mission and saving souls.  But one particular dream stood out to me. It was life changing and I kept having it. I finally decided that, gee, maybe he really wants me to serve a mission. So it happened i made the announcement! i was going to go on a mission!!! angels sounded their horns and i proceeded to prepare to serve:) haha now lets fast forward to april 2013. I got my call to Seattle, Washington! set to leave june 3rd! I was so beyond excited, life was PERFECT! i was going to serve god, I had my boyfriend that was all prepared to wait for me, i just couldn't ask for a better life... then a week before i was supposed to leave, i had to call off my mission due to some serious health conditions. Even if i wanted to go the mission president wouldn't allow it, because you need to have good health when on a mission. I, of course, was heart broken. I was seriously excited to finally go and serve my heavenly father and show the people in washington how TRULY happy they could be by accepting the gospel into their lives!! but i figured, i just had to listen to heavenly father. So now that i couldn't go on a mission i decided to just move on with life.... my boyfriend ended up proposing to me on july 4th and everything again was working out perfectly! I was in love!! we were set to get married oct 3! i was so excited, who wouldn't be right? well don't go  away it gets even better haha:) so anyways just this past week i started getting extreme anxiety, i couldn't sleep, i kept having awful dreams. A mission kept popping in my head and i thought to myself i cant go on a mission. If you wanted me to go on a mission wouldn't things have worked out perfectly before?? i was so confused. Finally after a week full of praying and attending the temple and talking to my bishop, i got my answer. I needed to have MORE faith. I needed to call the wedding off and go on my mission. I doubted god that he could take care of me while i served.. first mistake right there. God is almighty and anything is possible with him, if you are willing to take a leap of faith and believe that he can make anything happen. Im not sure why certain things happen and why you have to go through certain things in life, but all i know is that if i don't continually listen to heavenly father and the promptings i get i would be one unhappy human being haha. Ive already experienced not listening to heavenly father and i know the outcome so i decided no matter how crazy his promptings make me look im going to listen to him always. Because his way is the right way.  I'm willing to look like a crazy indecisive person, in order to please my heavenly father. haha so after my crazy adventure so far, im finally leaving on my mission next wednesday aug 28th 2013 to serve my lord, my god for 18 months, and to that i say BRING IT ON!:) A big thanks to all my family and continually supporting me:) i know without a doubt this is the right decision! until we meet again! much love


  1. WOW! :) I am so proud of you for listening to your heart and to Heavenly Father. You are very brave for doing this and I admire you immensely. I have ignored promptings in my life, with some pretty serious consequences, so for you to learn how to avoid doing that so young is great. I know that you will be blessed for listening! I will be praying for you and I know you will be an amazing missionary! :D <3

  2. Amazing thing is... I could hear janae talking :) oh how I miss her already ! But you are doing amazing things :)
